Release notesLatestUse settingPopularPostHog newsIntroducing HouseWatch: An open-source toolkit for ClickHouseJun 12, 2023Ian VanagasYakko MajuriPostHog newsIntroducing HogQL: Direct SQL access for PostHogJun 8, 2023Joe MartinAndy VandervellPostHog newsArray 1.43.0: Massive performance improvements!Jan 16, 2023PostHog newsArray 1.42.0: Get beta features via our roadmap!Nov 30, 2022The best of PostHog. Delivered twice a month.SubscribePostHog newsArray 1.41.0: Improving performance by up to 400%Nov 2, 2022PostHog newsArray 1.40.0: Interface improvements and more!Sep 26, 2022PostHog newsArray 1.39.0: Betas, persons, events and librariesAug 29, 2022PostHog newsArray 1.38.0: Exports, subscriptions and session analysisAug 1, 2022PostHog newsArray 1.37.0: Cohorts 2.0 and event & property detail pagesJun 27, 2022PostHog newsArray 1.36.0: Introducing AND/OR filtering, timezone support and universal searchMay 30, 2022PostHog newsArray 1.35.0: Introducing SAML, world map view and new pluginsApr 25, 2022PostHog newsArray 1.34.0Mar 30, 2022Join the communityGet help or answer questions from the PostHog community, vote on the roadmap, and get early access to new features.Check it outPostHog newsArray 1.33.0Feb 28, 2022PostHog newsArray 1.32.0Jan 31, 2022PostHog newsArray 1.31.0Dec 16, 2021PostHog newsArray 1.30.0Nov 17, 2021PostHog newsArray 1.29.0Oct 21, 2021PostHog newsArray 1.28.0Sep 15, 2021PostHog newsArray 1.27.0Jul 26, 2021PostHog newsArray 1.26.0May 13, 2021123