Session replay

PostHog does that.

Watch recordings of visitors using your product or website.

  • Contra
  • Hasura
  • Netdata
Session replay

"I was watching session recordings for our sign-up page and realized a lot of people were trying to click something that wasn’t actually a button. We wouldn’t have noticed that needed fixing without PostHog’s session recordings."

Anubhuti Mishra

UI/UX Designer, Hasura

Event timeline

History of everything that happened in a user's session

  • Filter

    By page, event type, or capture method. Limit playback to sessions that meet specific behavorial or event criteria.

  • Scrub

    Jump to any moment in a session. Control playback speed and skip over periods of inactivity.

  • Metadata

    Access loads of data sent with each event - like screen dimensions, device type or location.

Built-in console logs

Debug issues faster with the console log - just like if you asked them to open Inspector.

Network tab

Track network calls and performance.

"This user seems frustrated. Oh, there was a 5 second API request. That's interesting..."

- An actual PostHog engineer

    • Capture sessions without extra code

      Works with PostHog.js

    • Automatic playlists

      Filter by user behavior or time

    • Web or mobile session recording

      Web or iOS (beta) available

    • Download recordings

      Retain recordings beyond data retention limits

    • Block sensitive data

      Disable capturing data from any DOM element with CSS

Get started - free

First 15,000 sessions/mo are free.

Get started - free